ACRiSL: ‘Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice’ Launch



The Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation Project (ACRiSL) is delighted to invite you to our fourth network event and launch of our research report on ‘Advancing Child Rights-Consistent Strategic Litigation Practice.’ This will take place at 12:30 – 14:00 UK time (GMT +1) online via Zoom on 27 September 2022.


The event will consist of a panel where speakers will present key findings and recommendations from the report, focusing on four key areas:

  1. the scoping, planning and design of CRSL;
  2. the operationalisation of CRSL;
  3. follow-up to CRSL, including implementation
  4. extra-legal advocacy (political advocacy and other campaigning, media and communications work).


For more information and to register click here